— And So Do You!
START building a real relationship with your horse.
The result is the Stay Safe Course
An intensive training program designed to get you huge results in no time!
My Must Have Training Tool:
My Stay Safe Flow Chart will be your trusted companion as you work with your horse. Anytime you encounter a problem in your training – a quick scan of the QR code next to the exercise you’re having trouble with will take you right to the corresponding video showing you how to work through the problem quickly!
Pillar 1
Learn how to build a powerful connection with your horse so you can stay safe in even the most uncertain circumstances. Your horse will learn to look to you, choosing to want to be with you instead of wanting to run away or be with other horses or the barn.
Discover how to connect with even the most dull and heavy horses in order to get them to be soft and feather light. When you can effortlessly connect with your horse, you can easily direct them and control their movement with out resistance. Instead of fighting against you, your horse will choose to be working with you.
Transform your communication with your horse by teaching them with crystal clear clarity and understanding. You will give your horse the confidence of knowing exactly what you want and what they need to look for in order to stay connected with you no matter what.
…hopping from one trainer to another and finally have everything you need to train your horse yourself in one place?
…because you’ve finally found the right solution that puts the old way of learning to shame?
…instead of feeling embarrassed or ashamed that something isn’t quite right…?
…that no one can ever take away from you that actually get you the results that you want?
…because you have a real relationship with your horse… that YOU built with it!
To finally achieve game-changing results with your horsemanship. To finally be confident in your ability to, with just a little time and practice, build a real bond with your horse — WITHOUT spending hours of frustration, tears and pointless injuries to get it right.
No more gut wrenching fear based training that leaves you feeling dirty. When you’re done you’ll be so proud the bond YOU created!
All the training materials are online in video format. This way you can watch it on any device and have permanent access to it forever. DVDs are available by request.
The good news is that you can start and stop the program whenever you want.
Some people complete it in as little as a week… some take longer… it’s designed to get you results… fast!
Then that’s perfect! That means you don’t have any bad habits to break yet! You’re actually light years ahead of the average horse person because you get to learn the right way from the start!
You don’t need any experience to start this course, it’s designed to help you know exactly where to start.
This course, I believe, will help anyone, at any level, to improve very quickly.
Need help or still have questions?